Inspiring Simple
A family of 12 living a simple life
Getting the hang of this
It’s been awhile. This post is about what I do when I feel like I look like a bridge troll.
Hello fine readers! I hope this post finds you well. I haven't posted on here since 2021 (oh the shame) but I am back now and hope to be back more and more often! I also have a youtube channel so feel free to check it out and subscribe and follow along. I now have 11...
The beginning of goal setting
There have been many times that I have written down notes and plans and to do lists and then.....I don't do any of it. I end up finding all sorts of loose papers and notes and for awhile I might have given it a go but I would either over schedule myself or run out of...

So the other day we went to the beach
and we had a great time.... Now, going to the beach with 12 people is no mean feat. Especially when you are one of two bosses. Towels, sunscreen, bathing suits, t-shirts to wear in the water.....water bottles....changes of clothes....don't forget the little brush to...
When you feel like you are restarting for the millionth time
So I have this website (THIS one you are reading right now). I really want to 'do stuff' with this website but......I don't. I was thinking about the dread of 'starting again' but then I thought...."just do it!" So here I am! Let's go back in time a little...

Let’s make a commitment to blog twice a week
And now the part of 'how' will that happen... You see, I can get an idea but then sometimes I don't even know how to make it into an actionable plan. The engine is running but nobody is behind the wheel. Big time. Yeah, I could tell you that I have planned our entire...
Being a grown up and learning new things
I'm all....most grown up 🙂 When I was little I used to think that being an adult was easy and when I was learning new things I remember thinking 'I will never remember *enter thing here*. Then after awhile of doing *enter new thing* i.e riding a bike, using a sewing...
Learning new things isn’t always easy
Until I started teaching my own children things I never put in any thought to how amazing it really is that children can learn things like sitting up, crawling, speaking, following instructions, packing away, brushing hair, walking, running, reading....the list goes...

Time blocking and using alarms on my watch
I am a 'free spirit' in nature in many ways. I am not a 'free spirit in nature' because I am typing this in my home and I shave my armpits. I am creative and don't like being bound by time limits etc. Well, now......I think I was kind of lying to myself and I DO like...

Ditching the paper and moving to the iPad was a game changer
This might be because I am quite minimalist and like being organised but stopping with the using of random bits of paper and starting to use my iPad was a total game changer with my plans actually happening. Like I said in the previous blogs, I used to scribble notes...