I read a blog called The occasional nomads and I love how Laura has prompts for keeping track of the things she has done or achieved throughout the week (I just realised that with my accent when I say “threw out” and “throughout” they sounds exactly the same…mind.blown)
Anyhow, I digress…
Listening to: I can hear the lovely baby talk as my baby puts himself to sleep. I am so grateful that I don’t have to feed him to sleep or hear him cry.

Reading: I primarily read blog posts. A lot of stuff about sewing. I used to read a lot before I had children but I find my brain is too scattered to read in dribs and drabs and at night I just want to sew.
Making: I have been sewing a lot! I finished 2 quilts and made a pin cushion (or 3). Plus the usual piecing of other sewing projects and mending clothes.

Grateful for: Honestly, I have been sharing a bit on my new instagram account (same name as this blog) but I am SO grateful for emotional freedom I have recently experienced (I attribute a lot of this to how my life is now simple and uncomplicated so no ‘busy’ got in the way of this).

I also made a birthday cake from scratch! Momentous occassion!
Accomplished: We achieved the unimaginable……we taught the baby to sleep on his back! He had never slept on his back from birth and seemed to hate it so much. We couldn’t bear to have him cry at all. Turns out he didn’t cry for more than 10 minutes and never even got to fever pitch! Such a relief!

Frugal thing: When I wanted to finally make a pin cushion using crushed walnut shells. An idea I first got from Crazy mom quilts but put off doing it for years and years because of cost. I ended up buying 2kg of crushed walnut shells from a place about 45 minutes from me. Years ago I would refuse to pay for postage but now I think that it would cost way more than $10 to drive somewhere and that doesn’t even factor in my limited time!

I think there is a minconception that time doesnt really cost. Sure, people say things like “time is money” but spending $10 on getting something delivered to my front door PLUS the use of my often thrifted fabric into making something that will serve me well and lengthen the life of my quilting pins is frugal and wise in my opinion. Side note: I now fully understand why making them can become addictive!
Looking forward to: Another early night. I feel very sleep deprived lately.
Cooking/eating: On Sundays I often cook something different for myself. Even if that means I am eating at 2pm. On Sunday, I made rainbow trout on a bed of cauliflower with other veg. It was delicious and I might make something similiar today. I can’t find a picture of it. I really need to prioritise sorting out my phone!
Bonus question: As a mother of 10 children I often get asked if I always wanted to have a large family. The answer to that is…..yes. BUT I used to think a big family had 4 children in it. When my husband and I were first dating we discussed that about 6 kids would be good but now we have 10 wonderful children.