I wanted to share a quilt finish. I called this one ‘There’s always a plus side’. A good reminder to try to think/be in the positive. A play on words.

The quilt measures: 50 inches x 38 inches
Cot sized.
The backing fabric is actually from Zambia. My dad brought back 5 metres of it from a business trip. Its actually a waxy cotton so not nice and snuggly like my vintage fabrics (my favourite for quilt backs). I have NO idea what to do with the rest of it!
I did double loops on each square. My initial plan was to do straight line quilting but that wasn’t working well at all (you can see the hera marks in some photos). I thought about it overnight before the loops idea came to me. It was FMQ (free motion quilting) with my Juki TL-2010Q.
I did alternate quilting cottons in the same colours as the quilt (randomly in the colours; red, orange, pink, navy, purple and green). The threads are Resant.
I had fun quilting and photographing this. It feels good to be proud of myself!
I have also made the decision to label all of my quilts from here on in. I like how you can see the label but the thread colour matches the front.
Autumn leaves falling everywhere. It was lovely to find this little leaf perched there. Destiny haha!
My binding was from my stash. Best match with what I had available.
The backing fabric really was a perfect match!
Amazing to see this fabric and think that people having clothing made from this! So vibrant!
Simplifying my life meant there was room for me to grow and bloom. I have done it quite slowly but I have STILL done it!
There really IS always a plus side. I used to be SO negative. I don’t have much time for that anymore!

The size of the quilt was determined by the fact the fabric for the quilt top was bought from an op shop. I used everything I had. This quilt is for the hobby room. A lap quilt.
Whilst I was out the back I decided to take a few more photos. I remember standing there and thinking about how much I will miss having little kids when they are grown up.
We have a really big trampoline. The kids love it! I haven’t jumped on it in ages!
Our Elm tree which is in the centre of the yard. It has lost a lot of limbs over the years but offers a lot of shade in the Spring and Summer. It is beautiful.
Our pine trees are even taller!

I truly believe that I live a wonderful life. I am trying so hard to continue to be a better person and let go of false thinking about myself or negative memories.

Onward and upward!