For quite some *time (*pretty much my whole life) I had been talking about making changes. A lot of false starts, half baked ideas, notes written and discarded and more conversations with my husband than I could probably count and nothing stuck.

In my most recent conversation with my husband I was lamenting again about my weight and he said “do something about it and ACTUALLY do it. No more excuses”.

I think at some stage during the conversation it switched to talking about the WHY do I want to change whatever it is. Logic tells me that just going off with a thread of an idea but not actually thinking of every little things and making it ACTIONABLE. Past history REALLY tells me this because I have done this time and time again. Make lists, be incredibly hard on myself, making the tasks too hard and never seeing how I needed to make goals that could be achieved long term.

Enter morning notes of working out my why.

I started by typing all of my thoughts out in pages on my iPad and then thought turning them into a blog post might be smarter. Work smarter, not harder right!?

Working out my why and goal setting properly

  • The importance of having a ‘why’ that suits me so I am not trying to motivate myself to do something because someone else thinks it’s a good idea or something I should do.
  • Being able to maintain stamina until the end of the task.
  • Having a plan will help me counteract the temptation to give up or deviate from the plan.
  • Thinking carefully about my ‘why’ and planning accordingly will mean I am living my life well and not being stress motivated.

WHY do I need goals?

If I have a why, I won’t be tricked into thinking that I am only at home with the kids and no enforced start or stop time.  This leads to distraction, inactivity and stress.

If stress is something that I seem to lean towards and guilting myself out of it has never successfully worked.

Then I need to stop doing it.

Recovering from trauma isn’t something you just get over and never remember again.  It’s many occasions of moving forward, moving past the trauma you did experience and making deliberate choices to step towards success.

Leave it in the past. ACTUALLY leave it.

Why  – I would like to have a stress free environment and be active daily.

Road blocks that I think I have now:

Too many kids to be able to ‘be as organised as I would like’. *Don’t worry, I worked out pretty quickly that this thought was false

I used to clean a lot and be very tidy but somewhere along the way I decided to be too worn out??….I now feel like I don’t know how to restart. *I will talk more about this in future posts

Think I am no longer fully capable. THAT is evidence of a need to change

Need more self discipline.

Not good at time blocking.

ALL of these things can be improved!

I can change my attitude

Work out a workable schedule

Work on my self image

Have more positive talk and actions

Time block planning and make things achievable and actionable

Realise I can ‘have my cake and eat it too’ IF I plan for it and make it happen

Some things to work on:

Plan of attack

Working out how to fill learning gaps

Time blocking at the right time of day.

Making menus and meals doable to the chef (assigning a chef’s assistant)

James schedule (breastfeeding and meals) 

Nap times are important!

Free time is important!

Proper nutrition, water intake and sleep.

Spiritual growth.  More of Christ and the struggles fade away.

Non tech ideas

What I would like to do daily


Lose weight

All of that above is taken from my notes on the 18th of June and I will expand upon them more in the future.

I did want to say that if you are reading this and feeling overwhelmed that I made ENORMOUS progress very quickly. Please be encouraged!

My children are awake now so that is all I have time for. Have a great day!