Being a grown up and learning new things

I’m all….most grown up 🙂 When I was little I used to think that being an adult was easy and when I was learning new things I remember thinking ‘I will never remember *enter thing here*. Then after awhile of doing *enter new thing* i.e riding a bike, using a sewing...

Learning new things isn’t always easy

Until I started teaching my own children things I never put in any thought to how amazing it really is that children can learn things like sitting up, crawling, speaking, following instructions, packing away, brushing hair, walking, running, reading….the list...
Time blocking and using alarms on my watch

Time blocking and using alarms on my watch

I am a ‘free spirit’ in nature in many ways. I am not a ‘free spirit in nature’ because I am typing this in my home and I shave my armpits. I am creative and don’t like being bound by time limits etc. Well, now……I think I was kind of lying to myself and I DO like it...