by Katherine Murphy | May 26, 2020 | In Review
I read a blog called The occasional nomads and I love how Laura has prompts for keeping track of the things she has done or achieved throughout the week (I just realised that with my accent when I say “threw out” and “throughout” they sounds exactly the...
by Katherine Murphy | May 22, 2020 | Thoughts
I never really put much thought into how I learned things when I was younger. I have no memories of learning how to crawl, walk, run but I do have memories of learning how to read. For me, it was really hard. Fast forward over 30 years later and I now read really...
by Katherine Murphy | May 18, 2020 | Sewing
I think another trade off from my childhood was the false thinking that if I was ‘perfect’ things would work out, people would be happy with me, I wouldn’t get into trouble…you know “how to win (influence) people 101”. I thought my life would be better and I would be...
by Katherine Murphy | May 14, 2020 | Minimalism
As an adult I had the false thought that I was a ‘highly strung’ person. I always excused my behaviours for me being ‘highly strung’ but what it really was, was anxiety, pain, lack of self discipline, and being overrun with stuff (both in the...