by Katherine Murphy | Jul 5, 2020 | Thoughts
I am a ‘free spirit’ in nature in many ways. I am not a ‘free spirit in nature’ because I am typing this in my home and I shave my armpits. I am creative and don’t like being bound by time limits etc. Well, now……I think I was kind of lying to myself and I DO like it...
by Katherine Murphy | Jun 30, 2020 | Thoughts
This might be because I am quite minimalist and like being organised but stopping with the using of random bits of paper and starting to use my iPad was a total game changer with my plans actually happening. Like I said in the previous blogs, I used to scribble notes...
by Katherine Murphy | Jun 28, 2020 | Thoughts
So, where was my first step? I had, had the conversation in the kitchen with my husband, the cute little mouse was fast peddling it in his little reel in my brain and I wanted to make changes straight away but this time I really wantEd them to be actionable and...
by Katherine Murphy | Jun 27, 2020 | Thoughts
So, in my last post I was talking about how I was trying to work out my WHY for the changes that I wanted to make. Once I started taking the time to think about my ‘why’ BEFORE I started getting into things I could see much more clearly how some of my ideas were...
by Katherine Murphy | Jun 26, 2020 | Thoughts
For quite some *time (*pretty much my whole life) I had been talking about making changes. A lot of false starts, half baked ideas, notes written and discarded and more conversations with my husband than I could probably count and nothing stuck. In my most recent...
by Katherine Murphy | Jun 26, 2020 | Thoughts
In the past I would have little pieces of paper with notes and ideas and all sorts of mixed and sometimes scrambled thoughts. I would often use grab one of the children’s textas and draw with whatever colour worked. I would embark upon yet another attempt to ‘get my...