Inspiring Simple
A family of 12 living a simple life

My first step to starting new habits
So, where was my first step? I had, had the conversation in the kitchen with my husband, the cute little mouse was fast peddling it in his little reel in my brain and I wanted to make changes straight away but this time I really wantEd them to be actionable and...

What I did when I was struggling to restart
So, in my last post I was talking about how I was trying to work out my WHY for the changes that I wanted to make. Once I started taking the time to think about my ‘why’ BEFORE I started getting into things I could see much more clearly how some of my ideas were...

Working out my WHY when I wanted to make changes with my life
For quite some *time (*pretty much my whole life) I had been talking about making changes. A lot of false starts, half baked ideas, notes written and discarded and more conversations with my husband than I could probably count and nothing stuck. In my most recent...

How I have been forming new habits in an achievable way
In the past I would have little pieces of paper with notes and ideas and all sorts of mixed and sometimes scrambled thoughts. I would often use grab one of the children’s textas and draw with whatever colour worked. I would embark upon yet another attempt to ‘get my...

There’s always a plus side quilt finish
I wanted to share a quilt finish. I called this one 'There's always a plus side'. A good reminder to try to think/be in the positive. A play on words.The quilt measures: 50 inches x 38 inchesCot sized. The backing fabric is actually from Zambia. My dad brought back 5...

A week in review – Sunday 24th of May 2020
I read a blog called The occasional nomads and I love how Laura has prompts for keeping track of the things she has done or achieved throughout the week (I just realised that with my accent when I say "threw out" and "throughout" they sounds exactly the...

Learning new things when you are an adult. Going through the hard.
I never really put much thought into how I learned things when I was younger. I have no memories of learning how to crawl, walk, run but I do have memories of learning how to read. For me, it was really hard. Fast forward over 30 years later and I now read really...

My creative way to teach myself to not try to be a perfectionist
I think another trade off from my childhood was the false thinking that if I was 'perfect' things would work out, people would be happy with me, I wouldn't get into know "how to win (influence) people 101". I thought my life would be better and I would...

How your childhood can sometimes trick you into thinking you are something that you aren’t.
As an adult I had the false thought that I was a 'highly strung' person. I always excused my behaviours for me being 'highly strung' but what it really was, was anxiety, pain, lack of self discipline, and being overrun with stuff (both in the physical and mental) and...